Welcome at the website of Het Groene Veld

Het Groene Veld is a leafy area on the border of city ​​and country. On Het Groene Veld, artists,
local residents and social initiatives work on extraordinary
extraordinary projects.

On this website you can read more about our events and activities and who we are. Do you want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter!


Trikosis, La Banda Fantastica, Wrong Chicken and DJ COZY

Penny (Rap – Thessaloniki)
Krav Boca (Punk Rap – Toulouse)
Sponty & Simadi (Rap – Thessaloniki, Athens)
Twinz (Rap – Paris)
Inbranders (Punk – Amsterdam)

At Het Groene Veld, 5 spaces have become available for rental, varying in size.

Candidates can apply for the spaces by sending an email with a motivation. Read more about requesting a workspace.

The last weeks of 2024

We are heading towards the last weeks of 2024 at a rapid pace and may share the feeling that the year has once again gone by at breakneck speed.

With so many different events on the world stage that have affected us in all kinds of ways, it has been a year full of emotions.This would not have been different close to home. All our challenges in life require skill and full attention to maintain balance. (...)

We offer different spaces in our buildings for culture and festive events, neighborhood and work meetings, crafts and social entrepreneurship.

Want to know more?
View the PDF with more information about our spaces or request a no-obligation quote.

Who we are

A colorful collection of artists, organizations and self-employed people are housed on Het Groene Veld. Read more about who they are and what they do.

Portret Isa van Lier door Iliana Michali

Isa van Lier

Veel van haar werk contrasteert bewust met onze rauwe, dagelijkse realiteit en de continue overprikkeling die velen ervaren. Toen Isa een periode in Japan woonde raakt ze geïnspireerd door de oorspronkelijke religies van

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Josh Waggy

Josh Waggy

Josh heeft zijn hele leven getekend wat hij sinds kort heeft uitgebreid met het schrijven van korte verhalen. Dat is waar Het Groene Veld ook in beeld komt. Josh heeft niet veel nodig,

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Ildikó Horváth

Ildikó Horváth

Ildikó Horváth combines craftsmanship with disciplines such as sound technology and performances, and she investigates the effects of interaction with the audience. Ildi finds satisfaction in this and the opportunity to further explore her love for art.

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