Welcome at the website of Het Groene Veld

Since 2022, a restaurant, a garden, a concert hall and various work spaces have been realized on the site of the former water treatment plant in Amsterdam Noord. On this website you can read more about the events and activities that we organise, this unique site, who we are and what we do. Do you want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter!

Forever Young ADM 27 years Festival 4-5-6 oktober 2024


4-5-6 okt: Forever Young Festival

Forever Young ADM 27 years Festival 4-5-6 oktober 2024

ADM 27 years: Forever Young

on October 4, 5 and 6, 2024
Three days of music, magic and madness on the beautiful "Groene veld" on the fringe of the city.

View the program, order tickets online or sign up as a volunteer!

Don't come by car!
If this is unavoidable, do not park in the Elzenhagen area, but at one of the following three locations: P+R noord, Atos parkeren, Buikslotermeerplein

New hope for het Groene Veld !

Developments around Het Groene Veld in the last month went at just as fast a pace as the growing blackberry in the surrounding periphery.

Everything was related to the question of whether Het Groene Veld can continue to exist in its current form for a while and can be incorporated into the redevelopment of the area in the future (...)

Who we are

A colorful collection of artists, organizations and self-employed people are housed on Het Groene Veld. Read more about who they are and what they do.

Portret Isa van Lier door Iliana Michali

Isa van Lier

Veel van haar werk contrasteert bewust met onze rauwe, dagelijkse realiteit en de continue overprikkeling die velen ervaren. Toen Isa een periode in Japan woonde raakt ze geïnspireerd door de oorspronkelijke religies van

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Josh Waggy

Josh Waggy

Josh heeft zijn hele leven getekend wat hij sinds kort heeft uitgebreid met het schrijven van korte verhalen. Dat is waar Het Groene Veld ook in beeld komt. Josh heeft niet veel nodig,

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Ildikó Horváth

Ildikó Horváth

Ildikó Horváth combines craftsmanship with disciplines such as sound technology and performances, and she investigates the effects of interaction with the audience. Ildi finds satisfaction in this and the opportunity to further explore her love for art.

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