
Route to Het Groene Veld

There is no parking at Het Groene Veld. Come by bike or on foot from metro station Noord (end stop). From this station it is about a 12 minute walk.


Think of the neighbors(!)
Get to Het Groene Veld via the route(s) below.
Buikslotermeerdijk 95
1027 GE Amsterdam

- From CS (by bike) via the Buikslotereerdijk.
After the highway, take the first road on the right.

- From Station Noord via the Elzenhagensingel.

For questions about Het Groene Veld, collaborations, programs, spaces or anything else, mail to:

Vereniging de Verademing
G.J. Scheurleerweg 212c
1027 BA Amsterdam

KvK-nummer: 82326878
BTW nummer: NL862420763B01
Triodos : NL56TRIO0320285561

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oute naar Het Groene Veld ingang Buikslotermeerdijk 95
Photo Guillermo Metal Morphosis 2023
Het Groene Veld - Event entrance: Buikslotermeerdijk 95 1027 GE Amsterdam. There is no parking. Come by bike or on foot. From metro station Noord it is about a 12-minute walk.