A night at Het Machinebouw hosted by:
Line up: Pete cannon / 4 am crew / Benton / Reo/ Cheetah n Janaway/Ivan Cargo/ The Bass Injector / Passion Deez

Saturday 13 May 2023
from 21:00 till 04:00 h
online ticket starts at 8 euro
at the door 15 euro
Buy your online tickets:
Eventbrite (click on this link)
These 3 true players have been brockin out LDN for more than a decade representing hiphop. Grime/ uk garage / jungle /rave and heavyweight bass. So come and Check!
"We decided it was time we imported some London flavours to one of our favourite cities in Europe. We'll be bringing some of the most exciting DJs & Music Makers that we've worked with in the past, some serious OGs that are integral to our vibe.
On the night expect a shipment of UK Bass with a focus on the faster stuff. We're talking Jungle, Hardcore, Jungle Tekno with a sprinkle of UKG, Grime and everything in between."“
Het Machinegebouw
Het Groene Veld.
Buikslotermeerdijk 95
Line up :
Pete Cannon N4 records
4am Crew
Reo (one for the ladies!)
Cheetah n Janaway
Ivan Cargo
The Bass Injector
Passion Deez (ouch!)