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Live documentary and Dj set by Filastine & Nova

12 May 2023 @ 20:00 - 13 May 2023 @ 02:00

Filastine & Nova Artivism in the high seas

Date: Friday May 12 2023
Time: from 20:00 till 02:00
Place: Het Machinegebouw

at the door 15,- euro
(geen online voorverkoop meer)

In a live documentary performance combining video, music and story, the artists Filastine & Nova share the voyage of Arka Kinari.

Subversive, immersive and partially submerged, Arka Kinari is a 70-ton sailing ship transformed into a platform to sound the alarm for the climate crisis.

Find out what happens when a rogue’s gallery of activists, makers and artists embark on a terrible idea for the best of reasons. Everything you imagined about the wildness of the sea will be confirmed... and then some.

International borders will be proven fictions, until they suddenly become the hardest of facts when the pandemic traps Arka Kinari stateless at sea for months with a broken engine and shrinking supplies.

Along the way you’ll find out what happens behind the fences of seedy ports from Morocco to Mexico, be hosted by Venezuelan soldiers on a barren rock, perform for indigenous communities on Panama’s disappearing islands, witness America’s bizarre nuclear legacy in the Pacific atolls, negotiate provisioning with heads of state, meet the Micronesian navigators preserving their ancient craft, be bashed by storms, scavenge supplies from shipwrecks, and be saved by a passing supertanker.

You’ll also hear the challenges of being one of the few performing arts productions actually touring during the Covid crisis as the ship tours the Indonesian archipelago with help from such diverse quarters as government ministers, Islamic scholars, transgender shamans, and quarantine teams in haz-mat suits.

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Filastine & Nova - Artivism in the high seas 12 mei 2023
In a live documentary performance that combines video, music and story, the artists Filastine & Nova share Arka Kinari's journey. Arka Kinari is a 70-ton sailing ship that has been transformed into a platform to raise the alarm for the climate crisis.