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Let’s eat’ Grandma

3 June 2023 @ 15:00 - 19:00

ToneelKLUP plays Let's eat' Grandma

Another special performance is scheduled for June 3. Then the amateur theater company ToneelKLUP will play Let's Eat' Grandma in one of the three silos of Het Groene Veld. Er zijn 2 voorstellingen: om 15:00 uur en om 18:00 uur.

The company consists of a changing group of enthusiasts between 25 and 35 years old. Every year the ToneelKLUP invites a director to create a performance with them. This year it is Lisa Giezen, graduated theater maker and theater education teacher.

Although Lisa mainly focuses on young people in her work, she didn't have to think long before she said yes to the ToneelKLUP invitation. As a director you get a free hand for this performance to create what you envision. With input from the actors themselves, of course.

Lisa is an authentic, visual maker. She likes to work associative and poetic. More than language, she uses sound, music and visual language to communicate with the audience.

In Let's Eat' Grandma, the audience gets a glimpse into the daily lives of different people. What do they do when they feel invisible to the outside world. How exciting is that? And what happens if someone decides to do it completely differently one day?

An unusual performance requires an exciting location. That is what Het Groene Veld offers. When Lisa saw the silo, she was immediately sold. This place fits the bill.

De ToneelKLUP plays Let's Eat' Grandma twice at Het Groene Veld on 3 June.
The first performance is at 3 p.m., the second at 6 p.m. Tickets cost €7.50.

De ToneelKLUP - Let’s eat’ Grandma - foto
De ToneelKLUP - Let’s eat’ Grandma
Another special performance is scheduled for June 3. Then the amateur theater company ToneelKLUP will play Let's Eat' Grandma in one of the three silos of Het Groene Veld.