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The Toasters + Fajadja

15 May 2023 @ 20:00 - 16 May 2023 @ 01:00

Happy Monday: Fajadja + The Toasters

The Toasters on tour, supporting Fajadjas E.P. release party.

Fajadja is celabrating their first E.P.:

To live a Dam fable

with Earth Works, a record label operating at The Groene Veld.

On monday May 15 2023
From 20:00 till 01:00 h.
Entrance on donation (suggestion 10 euro)

The Toasters

The Toasters, formed on the Lower East Side of NYC in 1981 the band is the longest running US SKA formation. hey bridge the gap between England’s 2-Tone movement and the American Ska explosion of the 90’s which they are rightfully credited with starting.

During the 3rd Wave Ska revival The Toasters formed the famous Moon Records-label and kick-started the careers of dozens of bands.The Toasters are to ska in America the 1980s and beyond what The Specials were to ska in the U.K. in the late ’70s and early ’80s, and what the Skatalites were to ska in Jamaica in the 1960s.

The Toasters were innovators, creators, shapers of the music, evolving it in a fresh direction, blending it with the cultural influences in a very American manner.

Also see:
The Toasters on Instagram


Fajadja is a band from Amsterdam who have been playing venues and festivals in Amsterdam's underground scene since 2017. Playing mainly hip-hop, funk and reggae, the band is known for its loud, bass-heavy sound that draws in big crowds across the city.

Fajadja's members come from the UK, Italy, Germany, and of course Amsterdam.The band is also closely tied to local causes in the city, and wants to preserve Amsterdam's reputation as a safe haven for new ideas and creative communities.

Fajadja regularly supports fundraisers in the city, and their lyrics are a call-to-arms for all free thinkers within the city limits.

Also see:
Fajadja op Instagram

Het Machinegebouw

Buikslotermeerdijk 95
Amsterdam,1027 GENederland
The Toasters - Europe 2023 Tour
Happy Monday: Fajadja +The Toasters. The Toasters, formed on the Lower East Side of NYC in 1981 the band is the longest running US SKA formation. Fajadja is a band from Amsterdam who have been playing a mix of hip-hop, funk and reggae at venues and festivals.