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Week of Waste Less

September 9, 2024 @ 17:00 - 23:00

Monday September 9, 2024
from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Registration via phabfeelix@gmail.com

THEME - Week Of Waste Less + Bar La Papa

Material Flow showcase Het Groene Veld

17:00- 19:00 Bar La Papa
Diner made from reclaimed food for some of your time (not Euros but hourO's). Plus special vegan organic dessert provided by Friday Volks Cuisine and GreenAss Garden.

17:00 - 21:00 Reclaimed Food market on donation
A donation-based vegetable market where visitors can decide for themselves the value of the food. Folks-Kitchens and  cafés result in less food waste and wasted money. The focus is on the value of your time. Take your shopping bag with you, gone = gone.

19:00 - 21:00 Making DIY re-cycle + re-usable cutlery
Together we provide your personal set: visitors avoid bamboo and wood cutlery waste by carrying their own metal cutlery to events.

19:00 - 19:30 and 20:00 - 20:30 Material flow tour Het Groene Veld
A deep look into the principles and working methods of biological and non-biological Material Flow at Het Groene Veld.

17:00 - 22 :00 Expo: creativ-TIME!
Don't waste time & create! Exhibition of local artists.

19:00 PM - 22:00 PM Drinks - TIME With one free drink when registering for this day. This day offers an opportunity to network
and ask questions about waste and WASTE-ing LESS!

Register for this Week of Wasting Less Activities day  via: phabfeelix@gmail.com

For who?: all Amsterdammers

Cost: Free-or Own donation of Time or Value of food/event

Location: Het Groene Veld
G.J. Scheurleerweg 212
1027 BA Amsterdam

Outside terrain Het Groene Veld

Buikslotermeerdijk 95 of via G.J. Scheurleerweg 212c
Amsterdam Noord, Nederland
Week vd verspilling Ism Bar La Papa
Monday September 9, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM Week Of Wasting Less in collaboration with Bar La Papa. Material flow showcase Het Groene Veld: Saved Food market on donation, DIY reusable cutlery making, material flow tour on the Het Groene Veld and Expo: creativiTIME!