To put your monkey mind on pause?
Do you want to put your 'monkey mind' on pause every now and then? Want to escape more often from all the external stimuli that seem to dictate our lives? The great thing is, you can train that. And that is not complicated at all, says Titia Bloemhof. With Zen and Singing she unites two passions: meditation and music.
Once a month you can participate in Zen & Singing, a wonderful way to start the weekend.
Do you want to know more or participate?
Zen and singing is held in the Social Center at Het Groene Veld, starts at 7:30 PM and lasts until 9:30 PM. Participation costs €10 per time.
The upcoming dates are scheduled for:
vrijdag 31 januari
Friday March 7
vrijdag 11 april
vrijdag 9 mei
You can register via titiabloemhof ed
You can also join on an ad hoc basis.
For other dates and times, keep an eye on the Het Groene Veld agenda or follow Zen and singing on Facebook.