Isa van Lier

The freedom to make work that is 'touchable' and 'experienceable'

When Isa van Lier (28, visual artist) starts talking about her work, the words almost tumble over each other. The intensity with which she speaks is infectious and genuine. If you look at her impressive CV, you cannot help but conclude that at the age of 28 she is already an established artist, embraced by the art scene.

Pocket sculptures

She loves seeing her art in a museum and sharing it with a large and varied audience. Her work is not easy to summarize under one heading. From architectural temple-like spaces to ceramic dream creatures and from pocket sculptures (yes, you read that right!) to animated films, Isa is inspired per project to create a form that brings her dream world to life. This variation gives her the freedom to make work that is 'touchable' and 'experienceable' and does not always fit into the regular framework of museums and galleries. In this way Isa creates connections between the work of art and the people who relate to it.

Serene tranquility

Much of her work consciously contrasts with our raw, daily reality and the continuous overstimulation that many experience. When Isa lived in Japan for a period, she became inspired by the original religions of the country, Buddhism and Shintoism. Religions that are strongly intertwined with nature. In their Zen temples there is a serene tranquility with space for reflection and meditation. A place to escape the chaos of the world outside. That's also a theme in her art. Isa's works of art take you to a place within yourself where your mind becomes silent and you can look at the world like a child again, with wonder and openness. Children are an important source of inspiration for Isa. One of the collaborations that she immediately envisions is with Noordpool, the nature play area on Het Groene Veld.

gigantic installations

Isa is a born and bred Northerner and the fact that she now has a large warehouse at her disposal where she can build gigantic installations outside and 'play' with clay inside makes her world complete for now. She longed for a place where she can sometimes isolate herself and where she can step outside her workplace and contact other creatives. She looks forward to spontaneous collaborations, jointly building the community and working in one of the few places where nature is directly connected to your workplace.

Back to reality, it will take some time to prepare her warehouse for winter. Fortunately, she has help from her father and the community. That's how it works here, and that's the way Isa likes it. Connection, the key word.

Want to see more of Isa's work? Be inspired by her website:

And watch the video. Or just drop by spontaneously, at Isa's place doors are wide open!

Compost Isa van Lier 2023
Portret Isa van Lier door Iliana Michali
Veel van haar werk contrasteert bewust met onze rauwe, dagelijkse realiteit en de continue overprikkeling die velen ervaren. Toen Isa een periode in Japan woonde raakt ze geïnspireerd door de oorspronkelijke religies van het land, het boeddhisme en shintoïsme.