Door de ADM/Kinderpret Crew & Friendz.
The children's program by the ADM/Kinderpret Crew & Friendz is on Saturday, October 7 and Sunday, October 8 at the GlinsterBosje from 01:00 PM to 07:00 PM
Saturday October 7
01.30 PM Circus Mesjogge show
02:45 PM Wankel Fragile et la Machine, puppet show by Saar and Raaf
03:30 PM Dragon, an act
04.30 PM Expedition North Pole, theatrical introduction to our nature play area
06:00 PM Fox Hunt! De Sjacheraars…

Circus Mesjogge Show

Fox Hunt
Sunday October 8
01.30 PM The Alchemist, make essential mosquito oil from plants from the Green Field!
02:00 PM Big Bubbels with Milano
03:00 PM El Bartastico, show by Circus Factory
05:00 PM Expedition North Pole
06:00 PM Dragon, an act

El Bartastico (Circus Factory)

Expeditie Noordpool

Milan Bubbels
Continuous on both days:
Magic Circus workshop:
Make blacklight puppetry with Floating Kids
Metal Morphing:
Strengthen nature with metals; making jewelry and magical objects
Face painting:
Have your metallic or glittering face painted by Saskia and Peter
Open Entrance Circus by The Circus Factory
Schild Pack:
Play installation by Restvorm
Learn to sword fight like in the movies!
Dystopia, craft internship:
Help nature reclaim the industrial world!
The Kingfisher I scream!
Metal Jam: sounds installation

Schild Pack

Magic Circus workshop