Getting to know a studio owner: Nadja Cohen
Amsterdam Noord
Nadja Cohen lives in Amsterdam Noord and is (was) affiliated with Red Amsterdam Noord. That's how she ended up at the Poortgebouw, where she paints and draws and edits photos with the computer
She works a lot with the computer. In daily life as a Content Manager. Organizations hire her to analyze and improve/adjust websites and content on the internet. And in addition to this 24-hour job, she also runs a family with 2 children aged 9 and 12.
Be themselves
She rents a small space in the Poortgebouw, where the walls are full of inspiration material and some of her drawings. There is a table, a chair and a sofa. The atmosphere is quiet and calm. Every now and then a postcard falls down. Over time, the adhesive tape comes loose on the plaster wall and then an inspiring work of art flutters down. Nadja looks at it lovingly.
The Green Field is important to her. A place where everyone can be themselves. Where it is not about Money and Prestige, but a last piece of Amsterdam where she can be part of a social group to do fun things, such as the BosBios. She has long been a projectionist for cinemas such as Rialto and worked for the IDFA and even in Berlin. Since the age of 19, she has been a loyal visitor to ADM festivals and Rijkshemelvaart. She has always been involved in breeding grounds in Amsterdam.
The future
In the future, Nadja would like to have more time for the arts and she hopes that this last breeding ground can remain Het Groene Veld. She studied Theater Sciences (together with Lotte van de Berg, now a theater maker at the Groene Veld) and has never stopped converting stories in her head into images.
She works with various materials such as fineliners, acrylic and oil paint. She scans her own drawings and then edits them further on the computer. She would like to work with fabrics. She is self-taught as a painter. She hopes that she will have more and more time to really work in her studio.