Over Het Groene Veld
The site of the former sewage treatment plant Amsterdam North and the adjacent Sludge Fields together form Het Groene Veld. The area covers 6 hectares, borders the neighborhoods Jeugdland, Elzenhagen en Noorderkwartier, is just outside the ring and is within walking distance of the Buikslotermeerplein metro.
The municipality of Amsterdam has agreed to a temporary use of Het Groene Veld for a period of 3 summers. Vereniging de Verademing and the Culturele Stelling van Amsterdam act as quartermasters, whereby small-scale functions in the field of nature, recreation, sports, art and culture are given a place in collaboration with the neighbourhood. In this way they shape a gradually growing and meaningful cultural and social programming.
Het Groene Veld is blossoming after years of desolate vacancy!
On February 1st., the board of the Vereniging de Verademing signed the lease with Gemeentelijk Vastgoed [=> Municipal Real Estate]. After councilor Mrs. van Doorninck informally handed over the key to the site to De Verademing in the middle of the summer of last year, two more quarters were needed to coordinate the 317 pages of the contract.
The project takes place within the framework of the Expeditie Vrije Ruimte [=> Expedition Free Space], a municipal policy which aims at protecting existing Free Space(s) and creating new Free Space(s). Because of the huge demand for space in Amsterdam, a good collaboration with the Expeditie Vrije Ruimte and Stadsdeel Noord [=> City district North] was essential in order to reach this mile stone. Now Het Groene Veld is starting for real!